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Frequently Asked Questions

I'm looking at PowerSchools and it's telling me that my child's grades are not published, why?
If it's not Friday afternoon, there will be some grades that I have entered in the gradebook that are not visible to the parents.
All grades will be published on PowerSchools by Friday afternoon. If an assignment was given on Friday, I will need time to grade them so you can check back Monday afternoon and they should most definitely be there.
I'm calculating my child's grades on PowerSchools and they don't add up, why?
If it doesn't add up it is probably because there are new grades entered in PowerSchools which will only be published to parents on Friday. It should all make sense when all grades are published. :)
What is the best way to contact you?
The best way to get in touch with me is by e-mail in between my Franklin Academy school hours (7:00AM - 3:00PM), you can reach me at
I will get back to you as soon as I can. Please allow up to 48 hours​ for a response, unless you e-mailed me after school hours on a Friday, or on a no school day. I do not check my e-mail when I am not in school.
How can I see my child's AR Goal, AR Points and Reading Level?

In order to see your child’s goal and progress have your child log in to his/her AR account.
Click on Accelerated Reader --> Progress.
That’s it!

In the example below you can see that this student’s goal is 14.4 points, but he/she only has 6.2 points so far, meaning that they have not reached their goal yet.
The “suggested ZPD” is the level of books your child should be reading, in this case a 3.1-4.7 book.











How Can I earn Volunteer Hours?
You can e-mail and check out volunteering opportunities for the school. If I need a volunteer in my classroom I will e-mail my parents and see if anyone is available to come in and help me.
Make sure to click the main buttons! * They include important pages! * They are not only for drop down pages.
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